Following an attack on tourists near the Eiffel Tower in central Paris, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin reported one fatality and two injuries. The 26-year-old assailant, a French national, was swiftly apprehended by police using a Taser stun gun, as disclosed by Darmanin in a press statement.

Notably, the suspect was already on the watch list of French security services and was recognized for grappling with psychiatric disorders, according to the interior minister.

At approximately 1900 GMT, a disturbing incident unfolded near the Eiffel Tower on the Quai de Grenelle, where a man wielding a knife targeted a tourist couple. Tragically, a German national lost their life due to the assailant’s actions. Subsequently, the attacker, in an attempt to evade the authorities, fled and used a hammer to assault two additional individuals before eventually being apprehended by the police.

The accused had vociferated “Allahu Akbar” (God is greatest) and conveyed to the police that his distress stemmed from the significant loss of Muslim lives in Afghanistan and Palestine. Additionally, he expressed discontent regarding the situation in Gaza, as highlighted by Minister Darmanin.

 The investigation into Saturday night’s incident in central Paris has been assigned to the antiterrorism prosecutor’s office, as reported by Agence France Presse. This event, less than eight months ahead of the Olympic Games scheduled in the French capital, may prompt concerns regarding security measures for the upcoming global sporting event.

The city of Paris has ambitious plans for an extraordinary opening ceremony along the Seine river, anticipating a potential audience of up to 600,000 spectators.

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