Tragic Incident Unfolds: A 44-year-old newlywed from Boston lost her life in a shark attack the day after her wedding while paddleboarding in the Bahamas, as reported by the Independent. The woman, who had tied the knot on Sunday, was enjoying the waters with a male relative when the fatal attack occurred on Monday. Authorities have not yet disclosed the victim’s identity.
Eyewitnesses shared that the woman had recently exchanged vows, and the man accompanying her on the paddleboard was presumed to be her groom. However, police were unable to immediately confirm their newlywed status.
”Shortly after 11.15 am, police were notified that a female visitor from Boston, Massachusetts, USA, was subsequently attacked by a shark. According to initial reports, the female – along with a male relative – were paddleboarding just at the rear of a resort in western Providence, some 3/4 miles out from the shoreline when she was bitten by the shark,” stated the Royal Bahamas Police Force in a released statement.
The police reported that both individuals were rescued by a vigilant lifeguard on a boat who witnessed the incident. Police sergeant Desiree Ferguson stated, “CPR was administered to the victim. However, she suffered serious injuries to the right side of her body, including the right hip region and also her right upper limb.” Unfortunately, the woman was pronounced dead at the scene, and her body was respectfully carried off the beach.
The tragic incident unfolded near the Sandals resort on Cable Beach.”We are deeply saddened by the tragic passing of a guest while on a paddleboarding activity nearly a mile from the shore. We wish to express our heartfelt condolences to the guest’s family and loved ones. We remain in close contact with them and are providing all support possible during this difficult time,” expressed Sandals Resorts in a statement.
The Bahamas, an archipelago of more than 3,000 islands, is known for its numerous beach resorts, with tourism playing a crucial role in its economy.
Notably, fatal shark attacks are rare, averaging only five to six reported cases worldwide each year, with the majority occurring in Australia. According to data from the International Shark Attack File, the Bahamas has recorded 33 unprovoked shark attacks since 1749. Last year saw a total of 57 unprovoked bites globally, with the majority taking place in the United States.
Commenting on recent events, the incident occurred just two days after a 26-year-old woman tragically lost her life when a shark tore off her leg while she was swimming off a Mexican beach.The attack, which took place on Saturday near the beach in Melaque, happened while the woman was swimming with her daughter. Despite the swift response from rescuers, she succumbed to blood loss from the massive bite wound on her leg. Miraculously, her daughter was saved from harm.