At least two polling stations in Bangladesh were targeted by arsonists on Saturday, as the nation gears up for general elections on January 7. The Nischinta Para Government Primary School in the Patenga EPZ area of Chittagong fell victim to arson around 4:30 am, with unknown individuals setting fire to the school’s headmaster’s room. Officials, including Shakila Soltana, Deputy Commissioner of CMP Port Division, reported that the fire resulted in the destruction of new books stored in the room.
Authorities are actively investigating the incidents, with police present at the scene,” she stated.
Another incident occurred in Gazipur city, where a fire broke out at a school serving as a polling station.
Authorities believe both incidents may be acts of arson.
Reportedly, arsonists targeted a cupboard in the office room of East Chandana Government Primary School, resulting in the destruction of books and documents, as described by Abdullah-al-Arefin, deputy assistant director of Gazipur Fire Service.
Emergency responders from Joydebpur and Gazipur Chowrasta fire stations swiftly extinguished the fire.
During the period between Thursday and Friday, five additional schools designated as polling centers and ten election camps experienced arson attacks in six districts.
Fortunately, no casualties or injuries were reported in connection with these incidents.
Authorities are actively investigating the incidents, and the police are working to identify and apprehend the perpetrators, according to an official statement.